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Realizing the Promise of Cloud Transformation

As the world continues adapting to the digital-focused “new normal,” organizations have become more reliant than ever on cloud providers. Widespread adoption of work-from-home policies only underscores companies’ need for the mobility and flexibility of cloud-based computing. Moving forward, organizations that successfully move to cloud computing differentiate themselves from those that do not — putting them at an advantage in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

A 2020 MarketsandMarkets study predicted the cloud computing market will grow to $832.1 billion by 2025. Organizations of every size are realizing that continued growth relies on successfully adapting to this computing paradigm. The benefits of cloud transformation include enabling the acceleration of application releases, unlocking agility, improving security and making collaboration easier.

But despite its positives, the road to a successful cloud adoption is challenging. In addition to existing investments in IT infrastructure, understanding how AWS, Azure and private cloud can work together to deliver business objectives can be difficult. From unlocking cloud technologies to mitigating legacy technical debt, the cloud transformation and replatforming journey is multi-faceted and hard to undertake alone.

In order to achieve shorter time to value and adapt to the pace of public cloud, many organizations are discovering the value of a reliable cloud transformation partner. Leading cloud providers like Microsoft, AWS and VMWare understand the crucial value partners bring to the table and have created specific certifications — such as the Azure Expert MSP and Advanced Managed Services Provider designation — that distinguish reputable cloud partners from others in the marketplace.

So, as you contemplate a move to cloud data processing for your organization, make sure to look for a two-part solution: a trusted cloud managed services provider with a proven methodology to enable your cloud transformation strategy.

The Importance of a Cloud Transformation Services Provider

While it’s tempting for organizations to move to cloud computing on their own, a cloud managed services provider helps maximize your investment and avoid security risks. Ensono research has found that customers who self-manage their public accounts have 10–50 times more open issues and resources flagged with errors than fully managed environments. Staying on top of the evolving security landscape and continued innovation of cloud providers is a full-time job.

With less effective governance, or oversight and management of a cloud environment, organizations often exceed their cloud budgets. Successful cloud managed services providers place optimization at the center of their service to unlock efficiencies and cloud cost savings. For example, Ensono analyzes and approaches optimization from availability, cost and security aspects, enabling your team to focus on interfacing with your business and bringing innovation to bear.

Cloud migration is complex. A trusted public, private or hybrid cloud services provider helps you navigate this new terrain effectively by identifying the right cloud for your workload and managing technical challenges. Proper governance from your cloud transformation services partner helps you manage costs, assure security, and benefit from best practices and accountability.

On the other hand, poor governance — often the result of self-managed environments — can have disastrous consequences, including security failures that result in data leakages. Forty-two percent of executives label a lack of cloud skills as a barrier to achieving the full benefits of cloud transformation solutions, demonstrating the necessity of working with a reliable cloud managed services partner.

While cloud transformation solutions may be new to your company, the right partnership will ensure your cloud replatforming investment performs as promised. This enables you to reconfigure your internal teams to become trusted advisors to the business. By leveraging third-party experts to design, deploy, manage, optimize and enhance the security of your environment, you can achieve more with less. Your cloud transformation services partner brings a variety of benefits, including:

  • Cloud expertise and skills
  • End-to-end security assurance and cloud-native threat detection
  • Insights into applications and environments
  • Review and optimization of cost, utilization, performance, availability and security
  • Agile operations model

If you find your organization at a cloud crossroads, leveraging the expertise of a managed service provider can help you move forward — and continue evolving.

Developing a Cloud Transformation Strategy

The right cloud assessment and cloud transformation strategy ensures you can migrate successfully and achieve your digital transformation objectives. While managed cloud providers’ approaches vary, Ensono’s Cloud Transform Framework offers one path to enterprise cloud transformation. This strategy encompasses a suite of services that can be delivered alone or together, depending on the stage of your organization’s cloud journey. As you plan for company-wide cloud adoption, these five phases mark steps on the road to digital transformation.

  1. Assessment and Activation: Ensono gets to know your application portfolio by performing a thorough cloud assessment. An enterprise cloud transformation journey is fundamentally about consolidating and replatforming applications, and through an assessment and rationalization process, we set the stage for these large-scale changes. This stage allows Ensono, as the managed cloud provider, to identify applications that have modernized SaaS alternatives, legacy applications that can be maintained and migrated, as well those actively developed applications that can be gradually integrated into the cloud. After your cloud assessment, Ensono moves into an activation stage.

    This step involves understanding your business requirements, a Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) analysis and workload categorization using a variety of techniques, including rehosting, refactoring, revising, rebuilding and replacing applications. As you move through this stage, you will land at the best migration solution through a careful review process. Ensono migrates a pilot application to test the waters, while developing the best practice design for your targeted cloud operating environment.

  2. Migration: In your journey to cloud adoption, migration is an essential component that sets you up for long-term cloud success. From self-service approaches to consultant-led migrations, this stage should be optimized for your organization’s unique needs. Ensono offers a tiered cost model based on project complexity. For simpler applications, this is accomplished through automated migrations. For more complex applications, our cloud consultants work closely with you to provide services like refactoring, engineer support and guidance on adoption of cloud-native capabilities.

  3. Optimization: Your cloud transformation strategy is an ongoing process. To continually improve performance and maximize your cloud infrastructure investment, it’s crucial to work with a managed cloud services provider for ongoing governance, review and remediation of your cloud environment. Ensono works with you to ensure your solutions run efficiently through comprehensive assessments and continuous reviews of cost, performance, security, best practice and fault tolerance. We help unlock the full operational potential of enterprise cloud transformation.

  4. Operation and Enablement: While your in-house IT experts bring value to your organization, tasking them with managing your cloud environment is often a skills mismatch. After cloud adoption, managed services providers like Ensono help you run and manage applications using certified engineers and a range of flexible services that complement your business requirements. Whether you opt to co-manage or outsource cloud management, the support of infrastructure experts is crucial to successful enterprise cloud transformation. 

    Managing infrastructure in the cloud requires different tool sets, capabilities and processes. Services consumed in the cloud should take an automation-first approach — but automation and orchestration take time to develop and test. Providers like Ensono offer tested and trusted tools and intellectual property that enable you to deliver operational excellence and best practices without adding a burden to your IT staff. We help you increase security and achieve faster agile deployments, all while maintaining a compliant cloud environment.

  5. Innovation: Your cloud transformation strategy doesn’t end after migration. Enlisting an enterprise cloud transformation partner like Ensono provides your organization with “cloud expertise as a service.” Through this partnership, you gain ongoing access to cloud experts that help you keep pace with cloud features, and adopt new technologies and services. By leveraging managed service providers’ expertise, you drive continuous innovation and value, enhancing business performance and generating cloud cost savings.

Partnering With Ensono

As a cloud-agnostic partner, Ensono delivers unbiased, expert services to propel your cloud and digital transformation journey. From hybrid cloud migration to cloud cost optimization, our infrastructure experts use a proven framework to find the right path forward for your business and provide continuous improvements. With experience helping clients move to AWS, Azure and private cloud, our approach is designed to achieve cloud cost savings and improved computing performance.

Whether your cloud and digital transformation involves a full migration or hybrid cloud solution, Ensono ensures you remain flexible, continuously innovate and avoid vendor lock-in. With an end-to-end cloud transformation framework that delivers enhanced security, increased agility and cloud cost optimization, our IT infrastructure experts have your back as your organization enters a new, more agile phase.

Looking for a reliable cloud and digital transformation partner? Contact Ensono to learn how we can help you realize the promise of the cloud with solutions tailored to your needs.

Continuous innovation starts here.