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Ensono’s Managed Azure Well-Architected Framework

Standardizing and Optimizing your applications to accelerate your cloud journey 

Security and cost optimization remain the top concerns of enterprises while adopting and working in the Cloud. With organizations reporting an estimate of 47% increase in their cloud spend in the next 12 months, it becomes even more important to ensure your cloud workloads are well-architected and based on tried and true architecture guidance and best practices. Well-architected solutions enable cost savings with resiliency, high availability and security automation strategies. 

Microsoft introduced the Well-Architected Framework to provide technical guidance at a workload level discover available resources and tools to architect and optimize workloads for success. The framework aligns across five pillars of architecture excellence: Cost Optimization, Reliability, Security, Performance Efficiency and Operations Excellence.  

Ensono’s team of Azure experts will run a well-architected framework session with you against the pillars:   

  • Security to make sure business value is continually delivered through risk assessments and mitigation strategies  
  • Cost Optimization to maximize the value your organization enjoys by managing costs 
  • Operational Excellence by ensuring key operational processes are in place to keep systems running through a production  
  • Performance Efficiency to best use resources to continuously scale as demand changes in an efficient manner  
  • Reliability  to ensure mission-critical systems can recover from service/infrastructure and network issues and mitigating disruptions.  

Benefits of Ensono’s Azure Well-Architected Review 

  • Validation of your workloads by certified experts 
  • Improved security posture and awareness of vulnerabilities 
  • Automation for better performance and faster delivery  
  • Identification and reduction of unneeded spending to enable investment in more valuable projects 
  • Learning best practices to incorporate into future projects  
  • Getting the most out of your investment in Azure  

What’s the Process for Conducting a Well-Architected Review? 

During the Well-Architected Review, Ensono’s cloud expert will require a total of 7-11 hours of commitment from your team. An in-depth review of your workload will be done and upon completion, Ensono’s team will deliver and review findings through a scorecard and report. You can then use the findings to remediate issues and improve your organization’s infrastructure with the support of the Ensono team.