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Migration of SAP to Azure: Embrace the Cloud’s Computing Power

Gordon McKenna

Gordon McKenna
CTO, Public Cloud

Flexibility, agility and preparing for the future are all the hallmarks of a successful business that has an edge on its competition. And improving speed to market, enabling continuous innovation and controlling costs are the drivers behind delivering this edge.

One of the best ways a business can accomplish this is by making the most of the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems they have in place. Most of our readers will be familiar with the power of the leading ERP system, SAP. But what’s even more powerful than SAP? SAP running on a public cloud.

Digital Transformation Goals

The drive for true digital transformation is gaining pace among businesses of all shapes and sizes. With its inherent power and flexibility, it’s only natural that organizations have looked up from their grounded data centers and looked to the cloud to be their main transformation vehicle.

At Ensono, we believe migrating SAP systems to the public cloud will help our customers to get the maximum advantage out of their most powerful asset—data—to make meaningful decisions and truly transform into a data-driven business.

Here we outline the benefits of migrating SAP to Azure.

A myriad of benefits in one, powerful environment 

By accelerating the migration of SAP to Azure, organizations can embrace the cloud’s boundless computing power to leverage opportunities that a data center could not hope to provide, such as:

  1. Flexibility: Utilize the near-unlimited scalability and agility to reduce the timelines for deploying new services.
  2. Development environments: Quickly spin up and provision new development, test and quality assurance environments, with the ability to stop them at any time.
  3. Disaster recovery: Seamlessly, effortlessly and cost-effectively duplicate data and systems to a cloud-based environment to ensure business continuity.
  4. Data archiving: Reduce the cost and resources involved in archiving non-critical data and corresponding SAP systems.
  5. Hardware: Remove the need to replace old hardware and always operate SAP systems utilizing the latest technology.
  6. Resource allocation: Cloud technology enables employees to work on projects that provide a competitive advantage, rather than wasting time on ‘housekeeping’.

While these benefits are all certainly true and self-evident, what really matters in the end is that the migration meets the nebulous idea of ‘value’; the ability to get more from the cloud than could be achieved in a data center.

While cost is often heralded as the biggest value derived from moving to the cloud, we believe that the true long-term business value will come from the ability to leverage the cloud to drill into the untapped potential of a business’s data to derive powerful insights and innovation.

The road to your organization’s digital transformation 

An organization that is ready to embrace SAP on Azure will need to understand that, to truly benefit from Azure, the migration will involve more than just ‘lifting and shifting’ their SAP architecture to the cloud. They need to fully grasp how this transformation will benefit their core business systems.

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