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Ensuring Your Insurance Future

In an era where technology evolves at lightning speed, insurance companies stand at a pivotal crossroads. The challenge? To not just keep pace with technological advancements but to do so while enhancing producer loyalty and delivering an unparalleled experience to the insured. It’s a balancing act that requires a deep dive into the heart of your operation – understanding the needs of your producers’ customers and aligning your technological aspirations with those expectations.

Essential insights from Ensono’s recent survey highlight the urgency for adaptation:

  • Consumer expectations are high, with 98% demanding a frictionless, easy, and transparent experience.
  • Budget constraints, inefficient processes, and data security concerns impede 27% of tech decision-makers from achieving their goals.
  • 31% of tech decision-makers are ready to rejuvenate their legacy systems to unlock new levels of agility and innovation.

Ensono’s latest infographic brings light to the current and future tech priorities and barriers to innovation for insurance tech decision-makers.

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