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Ensono Launches Windows Virtual Desktop Service to Support Remote Work

Ensono offers fully managed service for Microsoft’s Windows Virtual Desktop as Desktop as a Service market continues to boom

Ensono announced its Windows Virtual Desktop managed service, enabling clients to give their remote workforce a familiar desktop environment and access to applications through Microsoft’s cloud-based desktop as a service (DaaS) solution, fully supported by Ensono’s team of experts.

Nearly half (47%) of company leaders plan to allow employees to be fully remote going forward, according to research from Gartner. Gartner also forecasts DaaS users will grow by over 150 percent between 2020 and 2023. As organizations continue to adjust to long-term remote workforces and adopt DaaS, cost optimization, scalability, and security and governance are top priorities. Ensono’s Windows Virtual Desktop service addresses these requirements through the following:

  • Automation and dynamic scaling to optimize infrastructure use based on user demand, drastically reducing TCO and aligning Opex to business usage ​
  • Quickly scale up and down due to the elasticity of Azure, speeding up the process to onboard and offboard users and their virtual desktops
  • Image patching of master images and rapid refresh of the environment with latest security updates without disrupting user productivity
  • 24×7 monitoring to ensure service availability

“Even as we close on the one-year mark of fully remote workforces, organizations are still facing obstacles and looking for solutions to navigate the current landscape,” said Rob Caldwell, director, application services, Ensono. “For Ensono, it’s a top priority that we continue to support our clients, and with the growing need for DaaS, we are able to take the burden of simply functioning off of our clients so they can focus on long-term strategies and success.”

Ensono was a Microsoft Windows Virtual Desktop launch partner, and in the past year, it has completed more than 20 proof of concepts and full Windows Virtual Desktop deployments.​ Ensono was one of the first eight partners to achieve Microsoft’s Windows Virtual Desktop Advanced Specialization and is one of an elite group to also hold the coveted Azure Expert MSP status.

For more information about Ensono’s Virtual Desktop managed service, please visit ensono.com/services/applications/virtual-desktop/.

For media inquiries, please contact Beth Burghgraef at: [email protected].

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