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Choices for Mainframe Modernization

Industry trends


Mainframes support critical business functions with high performance of stable applications. Most of these applications do not participate in DevOps, use modern application programming interfaces (APIs) or microservices that could extend their value for business and take advantage of the modern connected IBM Z series of today.

Recent improvements in application modernization tools offer more robust alternatives to modernize and innovate legacy systems to add agility and integration, thereby maximizing the return of the investments enterprises have made in technology through the years.

Companies can also modernize applications to run on mainframe as a service (MFaaS) or in another cloud, relieving them from the rising costs of on-premises mainframe operations. Ensono offers MFaaS, along with a neutral approach, Ensono Flex, which allows clients to move assets from one platform to another and uses new capabilities of the modern Z in a hybrid environment.

ISG assessed Ensono’s portfolio to learn how the company helps clients extract mainframe costs and deliver mainframe application modernization.

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