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Connecting the Business – Unlocking Digital Transformation Success

Best practices


In this latest research commissioned by Ensono, in partnership with Cloud Industry Forum, we look at how the CIO can adjust to the new realities of digital transformation and accelerate business change.

Digital Transformation

The enterprise organisations that are achieving the most success with digital transformation are the ones that have successfully aligned the needs and expectations of the IT department with those in the business at large. Amongst the audience surveyed, the top three drivers for digital transformation were cost savings (70%), increased profitability (58%) and increased productivity (59%) demonstrating that transformation is still very much viewed as a business efficiency activity rather than one designed to reach new potential customers or markets.  

Digital Transformation Drivers and KPIs don’t stack up” – Simon Ratcliffe, Principal Consultant, Advisory, Ensono Europe 
Digital Transformation

Download the Executive Summary ‘Connecting the business – unlocking digital transformation success’  to learn the key finding of our research, and understand some of the key issues and challenges that CIOs and the broader C-suite need to consider, and the conflicts that are arising, as they embark upon their digital transformation journey.

A more extensive full intelligence report of this research is available on request

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