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Executive Summary: Strategies for Winning the Battle for the Policyholder

Gone are the days when customer-centricity was just a ‘nice-to-have’. With challenger brands starting to shake up the way policyholders buy and remain loyal to providers, established insurers need to adopt a new way of thinking. But how can insurance providers ensure their policyholders have seamless experiences, from initial sales and onboarding to claims?

This research commissioned by Ensono, was conducted across 500 tech decision-makers from insurance companies with revenues exceeding £250M and 500 consumers who have taken out insurance before. It provides insight into technology priorities from both sides and the disconnect between what insurers are investing in and what the customer truly wants.

Read the Executive Summary ‘Strategies for winning the battle for the policyholder’ to learn the key finding from the research and understand what CIOs, CTOs and key boardroom stakeholders can do to get maximum value from their technology investments. An in-depth report on this research is available here.

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