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Mainframe Modernization

An investment in mainframe modernization reduces barriers to innovation and agility by adding new mainframe capabilities, transforming legacy code and data to run anywhere, and developing modern cross-platform applications — helping to fund and propel future transformation.

Maximize your mainframe’s value while you move toward the cloud

Mainframe modernization is an important step in the evolution of IT systems, as legacy technology often struggles to remain relevant in the face of rapidly changing technology environments. Organizations that fail to modernize their mainframe systems may find themselves unable to keep up with the competition and unable to leverage the latest technologies.

Ensono believes that you should treat your mainframe as an equal partner in your hybrid ecosystem, integrating mainframe into your broader hybrid cloud strategies to realize its full potential. For some, the mainframe is critical and here to stay but needs to be modernized and connect to the cloud to reach its full potential. Others want to move away from a focus on the mainframe and migrate workloads to the cloud completely, while still others look for a combination of both paths. Regardless of your modernization path forward, we have a Modern, Cloud-Connected Mainframe approach that can address your key challenges and enable better outcomes by connecting the unparalleled resources and flexibility of the cloud with the transactional performance and resilience of the the modern mainframe. We use the full spectrum of technology solutions to deliver better business outcomes— and leverage partnerships with an innovative approach to make your modernization initiatives successful.

Why a Modern, Cloud-Connected Mainframe approach?

  • CheckmarkExisting staff with legacy skills are steadily retiring, leaving companies at risk
  • CheckmarkEnd-of-life of mainframe platforms introduce a threat to critical applications and databases
  • CheckmarkModern platforms cost significantly less to operate compared to proprietary legacy models that have not been modernized
  • CheckmarkCloud enablement is becoming standard in both corporate and government systems

Finding the right mainframe modernization services can be a challenge

Expertise that you need

Modernizing requires a certain knowledge of the technical relationships between data, applications, platforms, networks and endpoints. That’s why Ensono is one out of seven providers in the world that has the coveted AWS Mainframe Modernization competency. Our award-winning and recognized mainframe experts understand the complexities of mainframe and hybrid environments and can provide the right solutions to meet your organization’s needs. We provide services to deliver a mainframe modernization strategy assessment, a technical roadmap and options for legacy modernization.

Our expertise spans across a range of legacy application languages and the ability to convert these into maintainable high-quality COBOLv6, Java or C#. Modernized application code can be run on the mainframe on z/OS or zLinux, or migrated if desired to another platform such as public cloud. Front-end logic is often converted into modern web form using technologies such as Spring, Angular and HTML5. We have particular expertise in data and databases with the ability to convert flat file, non-relational and relational data and schemas to modern commercial or open-source relational database technologies such as IBM Db2, or even to database PaaS services on public cloud.

Learn more in the Modernizing the Mainframe whitepaper

Person working on desktop computer in office

Tested, mature methodology

Ensono has 20+ years of unique automation tooling development and fail-safe methodology that underpins our ability to successfully deliver modernization projects (more than 1.5 billion lines of code converted and more than 5 PB of data converted):

  • Automated Refactoring Tool: unique toolset that converts the source elements: programs, screens, control language and the data according to the conversion specification. At the core is the data map, a repository of information about the application code and data in the project. The data map contains the blueprint for the conversion, detailed facts about the source environment, the conversion rules, how the programs are to be transformed, location and format changes to individual data elements.
  • Application Migration Methodology™: AMM is a five-phase methodology with the philosophy of identifying and solving conversion issues in advance of converting any code. 
  • Universal Data Converter™: Universal Data Converter (UDC) automatically handles all data validation and conversion by consulting the data map repository in the automated refactoring tool.

Two Ensono coworkers sitting at conference table

Reduce risk, avoid disruption

Eighty percent of IT modernization efforts fall short of savings targets and other desired outcomes due to failure to address unnecessary complexity. A siloed mainframe creates avoidable disruption, risk and lack of agility. Mainframe modernization is a lower cost, lower risk alternative to migration that breaks down silos and reduces barriers to innovation, while Mainframe-as-a-Service (MFaaS) gives you the processing might and speed of your traditional mainframe, without the expensive overhead and maintenance headaches.

Client success with mainframe modernization

Flexible migration strategies to reach the future faster