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Hybrid cloud solutions provide engine for growth

The client

Our client is one of the world’s leading information, communication and technology providers. Now active in 44 countries, it has a long and proud history of improving productivity and efficiency through documentation, digitization, collaboration and mobile work solutions, for both businesses and consumers.

The obstacles faced

Its markets are highly competitive and fast-moving, with technological developments resulting in new products and services emerging almost every day. Its business growth strategy is built around capitalizing on its trustworthy brand and its reputation as a leader in innovation, further embracing cloud solutions and diversifying its product range in the process.

In 2016, our client was drawing near the end of their current contract with a provider and were finding that their ability to move quickly and make changes within their existing platform was cumbersome and slow. They knew they needed a new ally that could support its SAP platform and guide them on their cloud journey.

The journey

Ensono was appointed in December 2016, on highly flexible commercial and contractual terms. This provided our client with the ability to adapt its activities, scale up and down at speed, keep tight control of costs and take full advantage of marketplace opportunities as they emerge. The detailed intelligence gathering effort and independent, consultative approach enabled Ensono to define a bespoke hybrid cloud solution. This included the migration, in the summer of 2017, of our client’s entire European SAP environment onto Ensono Cloud – a private cloud service – including all production, disaster recovery and testing environments.

Ensono is now also running and managing our client’s Sitecore application on an Amazon Web Services platform. This has improved the performance and resilience of all of its European websites – shortening the release lifecycle of new web functionality and procurement strategies from months down to weeks.

Hand selecting from a group of logos

The outcomes achieved

Many employees are reporting substantial improvements in the speed of SAP on the new platform. Response times have been reduced from minutes to seconds, enabling teams in diverse functions such as procurement to improve efficiency, productivity and customer service. In the highly competitive partner and reseller environments, the manufacturer’s speed of response is a critical element in the buying decision, with those responding quickly greatly improving the prospects of boosting sales.

“Ensono had an excellent bid team who took the time to really understand our challenges and come up with a solution that would bring real benefit to our organization.”

IT Director

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