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Ensono helps Large Commercial Insurer with Microservices Billing Platform to Increase Efficiencies, Accelerate Revenue Collection & Enhance Customer Experience

The Client

One of the largest commercial insurers in the US that provides property and casualty insurance for businesses and professionals. ​

The Obstacles Faced

The client was dealing with an inefficient and unreliable billing process and supporting system. Batch bill processing regularly failed putting the company behind on revenue collection for a subset of its clients. A combination of paper processes and third-party payment services were creating sustained business challenges.​

The Journey

Ensono created a new system that streamlined credit card payment experience for customers on the client’s website and reported when those payments were made or incomplete. Ensono integrated to the existing billing process via API to generate invoices and seamlessly joined the new functionality with the existing mainframe applications and data. This also shifted the client’s finance team experience from forensic accounting to active collection with accurate data in hand.​

With over 20,000 invoices generated in a period, it was critical to ensure servers didn’t run out of memory, so we parallelized a key part of the processing to achieve memory optimization. ​ Ensono was an ally throughout the entire engagement – staying on call 24×7 for support during the pilot release to trusted end customers. ​

The Outcomes Achieved

  • Improved time to revenue collection, decreasing costly batch failures, manual errors and increasing efficiency of billing process end-to-end​
  • Significantly reduced customer billing and payment process dissatisfaction​
  • Delivered the new system with an agile microservices architecture on Google Cloud that integrated back to mainframe core customer datasets


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