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Hotel Brand Cuts Monthly Data Platform Fees by 27%

What we achieved together


reduction in monthly platform costs

The Client

One of the largest independent hotel and hospitality brands operating in the UK, Ireland and Spain.

The Obstacles Faced

The organization’s data and application platform had grown organically over time, becoming misaligned with the overall business strategy. The platform was also inefficient, with over 50 broken applications, redundant APIs, and unused servers.

The absence of a defined structure or roadmap for these legacy systems created a lack of accountability and control. As a result, costs had skyrocketed to hundreds of thousands of pounds.

The Journey

Ensono conducted a data platform cost optimization analysis to identify inefficiencies, under-utilized resources, and security vulnerabilities. We delivered a comprehensive roadmap with short, medium, and long-term goals to:

  • Establish structure
  • Optimize their as-is estate
  • Quickly realize significant cost savings
  • Ensure that sensitive data is protected

The Outcomes Achieved

Ensono identified significant underutilization of resources, saving the client 27% on its monthly platform costs, while removing vulnerabilities and enhancing their security.

The optimization measures were quickly put in place, along with a roadmap for the future. This led to significant improvements in the company’s operational processes, security posture and data structure.

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