Intelligent Data Platform Unlocks Hyper-Personalization & Predictive Modelling for Hotel Group
The Client
A UK-based hotel group with over 30 locations, this client had outgrown its data analytics platform.
The Obstacles Faced
With updates frequently breaking the platform, the Group couldn’t make the timely, evidence-backed business decisions it needed to successfully scale.
Numerous problems with data accuracy resulted in a lack of trust in the data and a data platform that went unused. Instead, employees relied on multiple, siloed reports in Excel to inform the most important strategic business decisions. These reports took 100+ hours every month to prepare. The company’s outdated systems were restricting its future growth.
The Journey
Ensono developed an intelligent, extensible greenfield data platform in the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) to enable the Group to understand and act on customer behavior, forecast accurately, and manage risk. All this while providing modern analytics tools, dynamic, transparent dashboards, and data governance.
The Outcomes Achieved
- A real-time data and analytics platform with dashboards that delivers accurate reporting in minutes rather than hours
- Increased user engagement and key stakeholder buy-in
- Robust data governance
- AI tools within the platform that deliver a 360° view of the customer, enabling hyper-personalized experiences and tailored offers
- The group can now capitalize on untapped revenue streams from affiliate subsidies by cross validating their sales across all business lines and mapping them back to correct promotions, reaping millions of pounds in unclaimed rebates
The Future
This new centralized platform enables data-driven decision-making across the Group. The resulting increases in customer engagement and retention will help them continue to maximize r revenue opportunities.
The Group is also now able to forecast and plan for cyclical revenue peaks and troughs and how they might impact the business. The ability to perform predictive modelling—for example by analyzing the impact of seasons as well as current, social, and sporting events on the business—will help them build a much more resilient business.
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